The Presbytery of Northeast New Jersey has partnered with the 15 presbyteries that serve the greater New York City and Philadelphia metro region to assist congregations and other entities in connecting congregations, pastors and other staff who are seeking to answer the call to service in the church. Click on the link below to search available positions.
Who can submit a position?
PCUSA Churches within the bounds of the 15 presbyteries with open positions. Formula of Agreement congregations may also submit a position but need to go through the presbytery in which they reside.
How to Submit a position
- Develop a position description or a Ministry Information Form (MIF)
- Contact your presbytery office for the login information
- Go to
- Enter login info on the Submit a Job page
- Enter your information
- All red * must be completed
- Use a PDF form your position description or MIF
- Make sure all information is correct
- Hit submit
The presbytery administrator for the webpage will receive an email to review the information. Once the review is completed the position will be posted on the call finder webpage.
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