The Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea (PPNK) is a mission network, and its primary mission is to advocate for peace on the Korean peninsula. Therefore, hearing the news about President Yoon Suk-yeol’s martial law decree and the following process deeply concerned us because it threatened peace. Thankfully, the eruption of violence has been averted by God’s grace. Still, our siblings in Korea are living amid very fragile peace.

As a network of people of faith who proclaim Jesus as the Prince of Peace, PPNK has, therefore, written a statement for peace in solidarity with peace-loving siblings in Korea, and it has been sent to our partners in South Korea. We are attaching our statement in both Korean and English for your information. It is also available online here: Declaration Calling for the Resignation of Yoon Suk-Yeol’s Administration and the Prompt Transition of Power. We pray that it will be received in good spirits.

We respectfully ask that you read this Declaration and ask that you join us in prayer for a nonviolent resolution to this crisis and for peace in the Korean peninsula.

Rev. In Yang and Elder Linda Russell, co-conveners
Presbyterian Peace Network for Korea
A Mission Network of PCUSA