My name is Jerome Bishop Lane Jr., I was born in the Bronx, NY and raised in Harlem. I’ve been happily married for 17 years to my high school sweetheart Misan Oroye-Lane. God has blessed us with two amazing sons, Jerome Bishop Lane III and Joseph Lenox Lane. My religious journey started in Queens, NY at Springfield Assembly Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ, founded by my God-Father Bishop Emmlo Winningham. This is where my late mother Lorrine Lane served as Sunday School Superintendent and my father Jerome Lane Sr. still serves as Deacon and Trustee Board member. My first memory of service to my community was in church serving hot meals to men that where transported to our church from the Bowery Mission in Manhattan. Then on to the NAACP where I served as President for the Mid-Manhattan Branches’ Youth and College Division and then Vice President of the New York State Youth and College Division. This is where I was able to develop my community organizing and leadership skills. I earned my Bachelor’s Degree at Lehman College in the Bronx, New York, where I majored in Communications and minored in Political Science. I completed my undergraduate coursework with a GPA of 3.65 (magna cum laude, Presidential Scholar). I was awarded the Percy E. Sutton Scholarship from the NAACP and the Charles S. Ensley Scholarship from the Social Service Employees Union Local 371. In 2017, I became a proud member of Elmwood United Presbyterian Church (THE WOOD), where I currently serve as Elder. I’ve had the privilege of working with members of our church to try to improve the lives of families in the church and the surrounding community. Three years ago, I founded the Talented Tenth Enrichment Program. It’s a Saturday program for students’ kindergarten thru 6th grade. I am also a part of the Men of Faith Ministry, Marriage Enrichment Ministry and the Buildings & Ground/Security Committee. I enjoy multiple genres of music and movies, podcasting, sports and barbecuing for family and friends.
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